
If approved, this proposed project can bring benefit to local Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities including employment, training and contracting opportunities. However, as with any development, there would be impacts. BG Group recognizes that the long-term sustainability of our business is dependent upon managing our impacts responsibly and establishing and maintaining effective relationships with First Nations, Aboriginal groups, local citizens and stakeholders.

Community consultation

BG Group’s Canadian office is located in Vancouver, and we have recently opened an office in Prince Rupert. We hope members of the community will see this space as somewhere they can come to chat with our team based in Prince Rupert, learn more about our Ridley Island plans and feed back to us their views and suggestions. As we expand our presence, we are committed to being a good corporate neighbour, investing time and resources into understanding community culture, values, opportunities, and development requirements.

Respect for First Nations’ rights

BG Group is committed to being a good corporate citizen. We invest time and resources into understanding community culture, values, opportunities, and development requirements. Establishing and maintaining constructive relationships will help us understand and mitigate adverse impacts and maximize benefits for the local community and the broader BC economy.

Our project is located within Tsimshian traditional territory. If approved, it could have significant benefits for the Tsimshian and other First Nations in the region including employment, training, and contracting opportunities.

We understand and respect that First Nations have a unique relationship with the land and water, as well as legal and constitutional rights. We are committed to building respectful and lasting relationships with First Nations based on honesty and trust, and we will consult regularly and meaningfully. We will work with First Nations to mitigate any of the proposed project’s potential adverse impacts on their territories. We will also collaborate on the creation of benefit-sharing opportunities.

Establishing and maintaining constructive relationships with a range of individuals, communities and institutions will help us understand and mitigate adverse impacts while maximizing benefits for the local community and the wider economy of British Columbia. For example, if the project is approved a skilled construction and operations workforce will be required as the LNG project moves forward. We plan to leverage community and regional relationships to advance training and development opportunities for tomorrow’s LNG workers.

Our relationship with First Nations and all other communities will be based on BG Group’s Social Performance Standard , which provides a framework for engaging with host communities, managing adverse social impacts and creating sustained benefits.

Related Materials

2013 Sustainability Report

BG Group Business Principles